Windows.Powershell.iot & TI ADS 1115

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Windows.Powershell.iot & TI ADS 1115

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hello world-
Platform Raspberry PI 3b+
OS Rasbarian OS
PS 7.2.5
I am using the Windows.powershell.Iot module to communicate with peripherals.
I am able to use the get-gpiopin and set-gpiopin to control my relays.
I am struggling with a Texas Instrument chip ADS 1115.
I can use the get-i2cdevice to see the add-on. but I am not able to write to it.
$device = Get-I2Cdevice - ID x048 $device
I can also see the registers.
Get-I2cRegister -Device $device -Register 1 -bytecount 2
returns 133, 131.
If I try to set the register
Set-i2cRegister -Device $device -Register 1 -Data 132, 131 the input is accepted but when I read it back it is still at 133, 131 not 132.
If a run a python script against the chip I can see tree voltage changing on it.
it suggests I need to specify the device followed by the register to tell it to listen. I have tried
Set-i2cRegister -Device $device + '1' -Register 1 -Data 132, 131 & Set-i2cRegister -Device $device -Register 1 -Data 132, 131
and several other combinations of the above.
Any input would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Play-life-
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