Package installation issues

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Package installation issues

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I’m trying to install “pi400kbâ€￾ by Gadgetoid on GitHub. Here… [](
I’ve done a little Googling but can’t seem to find any solutions so I thought I’d ask here.
Bear in mind that I am trying to install this for my first project with a Raspberry Pi so I’m probably doing something wrong.
The first step listed on the page is to: “Add dtoverlay=dwc2 to /boot/config.txtâ€￾.
I have added this line to the very bottom of the config.txt. There was something written on line 70, so I left a blank space on line 71, pasted the code on line 72, and left another gap on line 73.
Saved the config.txt file, then rebooted, just like the the quickstart section on the page says.
Then I run the command “** sudo modprobe libcomposite**â€￾ in terminal, nothing is returned.
Then I downloaded the “pi400kb-v0.0.1-32bit-armv7l.zipâ€￾ from the link and extracted the zip.
I then ran commands: “chmod +x pi400kbâ€￾ and “sudo ./pi400kbâ€￾, both of which returned the “no file or directoryâ€￾ error.
I don’t know if there are some other softwares I’m supposed to install beforehand? I just followed the steps listed, but I don’t know how to get these steps to work for me. If someone could point out where I’m going wrong or tell me the correct sequence of commands, that would be helpful. Thanks.

submitted by /u/redditer567875446
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