Pi Router at end of P2P ubiquity?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Pi Router at end of P2P ubiquity?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hello I have 2 airmax ROCKET 5 AC lite radios that supposedly are a "wireless Ethernet". I've connected them together. And gotten a pi to show up and I can ssh into the pi on the other end but I want to connect to a pi 3 b wirelessly with a pi zero w. I have set up router software as documented here: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentati ... ation.html I set up one SD card in route mode and another SD card in bridge mode. I am using 192.168.1.x for the ubiquity radios and my laptop on the other end. The goal isn't to connect to internet but to simply connect a pi3 to a pi zero w WIRELESSLY and have the pi 3 be accessable from the laptop. Neither of the configurations showed the pis ip when I used angry IP scanner, I could connect to the bridge configuration from my phone off my home network so I know it is working and the router set up did broadcast the ssid. I didn't stop trying there. I installed unifi on another SD card (seriously best beginner tip, buy a 5 pack of 32 gb or less micro ads). I could putty into the pi with unifi but could not broadcast an ssid as unifi was looking for a ubiquity access point which I do not have. I have tried to put openwrt on the pi zero but i cannot seem to ssh into it and do not have the HDMI converter. If anybody has any advice or knows what I did wrong I'd really appreciate it. TIA

submitted by /u/Last_Lengthiness4354
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