My Pi Can get to SOME websites, but not ALL

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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My Pi Can get to SOME websites, but not ALL

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Everything on my Pi3 was running ok until about a month ago - I can't recall an update or anything that I could've run to kill it.
I first noticed that the PLEX server it's hosting is offline. When I tried to get into it via RealVNC, it said the host wasn't looking for connections. I managed to SSH into it, and was able to VNC into it via IP Address.
From what it looks like, my Pi isn't able to visit some sites anymore. For instance, GOOGLE works. REDDIT works. WIKIPEDIA works. But REALVNC.COM doesn't work. PLEX.TV doesn't work. NETFLIX doesn't work. OPENDNS doesn't work. Can't even ping the sites.
I thought maybe it was a DNS issue, so I reset the DNS to just point at my router again (as opposed to Google or Cloudflare). No change.
I'm willing to produce whatever logs you need, just drop me the command line.

submitted by /u/crazypnut
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