Network Booting 400+ Pi4b's from a Windows 10 Enterprise Workstation

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Network Booting 400+ Pi4b's from a Windows 10 Enterprise Workstation

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hi all, I've been tasked with a project that is a bit over my head but I have no choice but to attempt. I have a few server racks full of Pi4 B's and was told to get them booting over the network so we no longer have to deal with hundreds of SD cards and to simplify updating and management.
I requested a Linux server, and due to circumstances outside of my control , was provided with a Windows 10 Enterprise workstation ("its mounted in a rack so its the same thing"). My background is electrical engineering so I have some programming experience but networking is admittedly new.
All the PI's must have static IP's so I believe I can skip the DHCP portion of PXE booting and go straight to TFTP. For now, I'm attempting to get one PI to boot from PXE via windows. I'm using a freeware windows program (TFTPD64) and am able to see the test Pi client requesting files but nothing is being transferred. Most files requested from the client are met with "The system cannot find the file specified" but start4.elf attempts to transfer (but hangs up at 0% transferred then errors out).
I've attempted to modify tutorials based from Pi's acting as the server in order to determine which files I need to have in the directory that the TFTPD points to, but I'm admittedly lost here. I've cloned the boot directory from raspbian lite and tried that, as well as the whole root directory but I'm just shooting in the dark here without a proper windows tutorial or ELI5 version.
Does anyone have experience with this, or know of a way around my issues? Would a virtual linux box running on the workstation be possible? Am I better off using one of the Pi's as the PXE boot server and getting a massive ssd for all of them?
Is it even good practice to have one boot file for 400+ pi's? The stated goal was to only have one image of the OS that we needed to update but I'm reading conflicting views saying I would need to have a boot file for every individual Pi still?
At this point, I'll take any help I can get. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/EEEnginerd
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