Custom raspberry pi UPS

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Custom raspberry pi UPS

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I want to build or buy UPS for my raspberry pi setup. I currently have 1 RPI 4, RPI 3B, and 2 RPI ZERO W. I would also want to have 9V and 12V extra for my switch + other stuff. My PSU is 5V 18A (I am aware that i need boost convertor for the 9V and 12V). I want to power everything from one cable for less clutter. I will be building PDB for this PSU.
Main Question. Should i buy normal UPS for PC and power it from there? That would mean wall plug --> UPS --> PSU --> PDB --> RPIs. I want to use the data port on UPS for warning and safe shutdown.
Should i build whole UPS to my liking? It would be between RPIs and the PSU. Propably like this wall plug --> PSU --> UPS --> PDB --> RPIs. I was thinking 5 or 6 18650 in series/parrarel(Not too sure about this one). Is there any opensource UPS with high current output?
I should add that i am confident in my soldering skills and i am able to solder 0402 SMDs. SOO basically no limit there if i would go DIY.
Thank you for your advice

submitted by /u/chazp246
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