Adafruit I2S Amp - Why is it dangerously loud?

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Adafruit I2S Amp - Why is it dangerously loud?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I'm working on a project that involves this speaker that I connected using this Adafruit I2S amp, and for some reason, the audio it produces has suddenly become unbearably loud. Putting the volume level down via alsamixer to 0% mutes it correctly, but then putting it up to even 1% plays so loud that it causes tearing and distortion, and I'm also afraid it's going to damage my speaker.
Alsamixer appears to still be somewhat working, because the distortion is much worse at 100% than it is at 1%, but again, anything higher than literally 0% (completely mute) is unbearably and dangerously loud.
I first recall the issue happening after I tried using rc.local to autorun my Python script on boot. I don't know if that caused the issue or if I came across it then by coincedence. I've since tried:
  • using alsamixer/amixer to turn down the volume
  • connecting a 100k resistor to the amp to reduce the gain
  • re-running Adafruit's installation script (found here towards the top of the page)
and none of these have helped. Does anyone know why this is happening, and how I can fix it? I'm running Raspbian Lite on a model B+, if that helps at all.

submitted by /u/ianisdakoolkid
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