Raspberry pi zero W connectivity issues. Help please!

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Raspberry pi zero W connectivity issues. Help please!

Post by /RaspberryPi »

So, I’m building a small night vision camera to capture what we have coming around our home in the woods at night. Anyway, I have flashed the SD card and am doing a headless set up. I was able to properly connect to our 2.4 network once, and was asked for the password. Unfortunately, the factory set password “raspberry “ didn’t work for me, and I wasn’t able to move further with the set up. Now, when I attempt to reconnect, the pi will no longer log into the network properly, and the terminal gives me an “Operation timed out errorâ€￾. Wasn’t sure if I have been locked out due to the password?
I have seen a previous post about issues with headless set up, but wasn’t sure the solutions there would be valid since I was able to initially connect to the network.
I’m asking for any wisdom you might have that can help, Redditors.

submitted by /u/poopiedrawers007
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