Guide to building/getting a single module without recompiling the kernel?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Guide to building/getting a single module without recompiling the kernel?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

This should hopefully be a super simple question but so far it looks a little complicated :)
I'd like to load a sound module that's part of the standard linux kernel, it's just doesn't seem to be included in the built list of modules in the standard Raspberry PI OS. The code is shown here: ... /usb/line6 and the module I'd like to be able to load is snd-usb-podhd
Currently I can load the module snd-usb-line6 but that doesn't seem to match the device I have (a Line 6 Pod HD 400) and I'm trying to connect it to a Raspberry PI 1 as a Midi device over USB. The aim is to bridge it to control a Boss Katana MKII 100 guitar amp via midi (sendmidi is working to the katana). Connecting the HD 400 just gives me a bus connected serial device with no driver set.
I'm trying to cross compile the whole kernel under Ubuntu (WSL),with CONFIG_SND_USB_PODHD=y set in the bcmrpi_defconfig as per ... it-configs but presumably that could take a very long time. Is there a source for pre-built modules or a quick way to build just the module? The last time I successfully rebuilt a linux kernel was around 1997, so I'm a bit rusty, but I am a developer (not linux) if that helps.

submitted by /u/webprofusor
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