1st project and guide: Installing Cloudblock (Pi-hole, Wireguard, Cloudflared DOH) and Homebridge in Docker on a Pi Zero 2w

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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1st project and guide: Installing Cloudblock (Pi-hole, Wireguard, Cloudflared DOH) and Homebridge in Docker on a Pi Zero 2w

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hello everyone,
This is my first ever Raspberry Pi and my first project. I figured I'd share my beginner-friendly install notes, tips, and resources for setting a Pi Zero 2w starter kit, then installing both Cloudblock and Homebridge in Docker containers.
Everything from setting up the Pi to learning how to use Docker was new to me. I had a lot of help along the way from this community, and especially u/chadgeary in the Cloudblock Discord.
Github link to my install notes/guide: https://github.com/mgrimace/PiHole-Wire ... -Pi-Zero-2
What does it do?
  • Cloudblock combines Pi-Hole (i.e., DNS-based adblocking) for local ad and telemetry blocking (i.e., blocks ads and tracking on all computers and devices on my home network), Wireguard for remote ad-blocking (i.e., out-of-home ad-blocking on my mobile devices using split-tunnel DNS over VPN) and Cloudflared DOH (DNS over HTTPS) all in docker containers.
  • Homebridge allows my home to recognize my random assortment of smart devices as HomeKit (i.e., Apple) compatible.
Please feel free to contribute notes, suggestions, clarifications, etc., to the project.

submitted by /u/mgrimace
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