Corrupted SD Card from raspberry pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Corrupted SD Card from raspberry pi?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hello, I used a micro SD card for my boot ubuntu on my Raspberry Pi 4. One day, upon boot it would show the 4 pixels boot screen that i think boots the GPU and then just goes blank. I couldnt not figure out what was wrong. Everything I tried online didnt work. All in all, I decided to just wipe the the SD card and rewrite Pi OS this time. Upon putting the micro SD card into my PC, I could not write to it, i got an error from the raspberry pi program. I got confused so I just tried to format it first. Windows says it failed to format. I tried downloading some programs to wipe but they ended up making me pay. How do I go about fixing this micro SD Card. I put some screenshots of the errors and what it the SD card looks like.
PS When I put in the mSD card, it goes in as USB Drive (H: 59GB) and system-boot(S: 247MG). I am able to open the S drive but not the H drive.
How it show in my file explorer:
S Drive :
Format Error:
Thank you for all your help. If you need any more info I will answer comments as fast as possible.

submitted by /u/ivangboss
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