No HDMI output signal after resizing root filesystem

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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No HDMI output signal after resizing root filesystem

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I've been trying to fix this issue for days now. No matter what OS I install, and how much I edit the config.txt file, it's always the same:
- the pi 400 displays the rainbow graphics test
- it is giving me the root filesystem resize-rebooting notification
- then I can see the raspberry logo for a fraction of a second, then the screen shuts off and it stays like that forever

I have tried switching the hdmi inputs and outputs, I have tried different SD cards, it did use to work before I installed a new OS on it by using the raspberry pi imager. What else can I try? I do not have another display to test this on, and again, it used to work before I wiped the SD card and installed a new OS.

submitted by /u/x8j403kdj2ue
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