Two dead Pi’s in two days…help needed :(

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Two dead Pi’s in two days…help needed :(

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I have multiple 3D printers that I use Raspberry Pi 4s and OctoPi/OctoPrint to print and monitor them remotely. Over the weekend I connected my Anycubic Vyper to a Pi 4 and webcam. I setup OctoPrint and started a print. Everything was working great. I wake up the next morning and attempt to check the print through OctoPrint and I cannot connect to the Pi. I had also done some messing around with my VLANS the night before so figured this was what was keeping me from connecting. I go downstairs to check the printer and the print had finished. I try again to connect to the Pi this time through SSH and nothing. I unplug the Pi and restart it and I notice the green activity LED didn’t do anything and the Pi never booted. I tried for several hours to get it to work again. I tried different power supplies… All of which are the official RPi power supplies, different SD cards etc. The SD card in the Pi that would not boot did boot in another Pi. So at this point I assume something unfortunate has happened and the Pi is dead. I setup another Pi, start another print and once again wake up to a dead Pi. This is most likely not a coincidence and I’m not sure what’s going on. I verified the voltage coming from the wall outlet is fine, and there are three other printers connected that are not experiencing any issues at all. Is it somehow possible that the printer is sending too much voltage through the USB cable? I checked and I got 6.2 volts from the USB port. I have another Vyper/Pi setup that has been working flawlessly for months and also got 6.2 volts from the USB port. Any help is appreciated!

submitted by /u/Nintend707
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