Keep The 3D Slider At Max—You'll Likely Get Used To It

[Released: 2011] The 3DS is similar to the DS, but is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. A redesigned "XL" version of the console was also released.

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Keep The 3D Slider At Max—You'll Likely Get Used To It

Post by /3ds »

It seems like almost everyone puts the 3D on for 5 minutes when they first fire up a game, and then shut it back off forever. The 3D effect, which rarely is necessary for gameplay, is frequently written off as a gimmick, a mere "fun" novelty not worth the headache.
I disagree, and keep my slider at max 95% of the time I play. (NOTE: I use the "New" Nintendo 3DS, which has vastly stabler 3D than the original 3DS). Though not critical to gameplay, it is subtly immersive. Rather than rely on age-old visual tricks to depict physical space, the 3DS actually provides physical space.
Every once in a while, I will even turn off the 3D slider, to see how most 3DS users apparently play, and I find that it eviscerates the overall experience—not the gameplay, but the sense of immersion in the game. Animal Crossing feels less like a town, and more like a video game. The wealth of visual information in Fire Emblem overwhelms, without the 3D separation of the map from the text boxes. Shovel Knight, without its pop-up book layering, loses something magical when it reverts to a flat NES game.
Why would anyone ever shut off the 3D? My guess is the initial discomfort of it. When I first bought the 3DS, and played it for about one hour with the slider on, I felt disoriented and slightly uncomfortable for the rest of the night. I started playing at about 50%, and became totally used to it--no discomfort while or after playing. I eventually cranked it toward 100%, and almost never turn it down now. My eyes became completely used to it.
Your eyes likely also will get used to it. Try it for just a week—even if at 50% or less 3D. Once you get used to it, I reckon you'll get it up to 100% and rarely take it off. It is, IMO, essential to the 3DS experience, and a great loss for gaming that stereoscopic 3D has been forgotten as a failed experiment.

submitted by /u/dupedyetagain
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