Sega Genesis Recommendations

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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Sega Genesis Recommendations

Post by /genesis »

So far, I've played and beaten 47 Sega Genesis games. Since I've covered the entire Sonic trilogy, I'm running low on Sega Genesis games to play, much less cover for Perfect Playthrough.
I want to be able to play through and beat a hundred Sega Genesis games. So I'm looking for any requests for new games to play. For the record, here's a complete list of Sega Genesis games that I've beaten:
Aladdin*, Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle*, Alien Soldier, Alien Storm, Altered Beast*, Beyond Oasis, Bio-Hazard Battle, Bonanza Bros., Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse*, Columns**, Comix Zone*, Crack Down, Decap Attack, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, Dynamite Headdy, ESWAT, Flicky,
Gain Ground, Ghouls 'N Ghosts*, Golden Axe*, Golden Axe II, Golden Axe III, Gunstar Heroes, Jeopardy!*, Kid Chameleon, Lemmings***, The Lion King*, Rambo III*, Ristar, Shadow Dancer,
Shinobi III, Sonic the Hedgehog*, Sonic the Hedgehog 2* Sonic 3 & Knuckles*, Sonic 3D Blast,
Sonic Spinball, Streets of Rage*, Streets of Rage 2*, Streets of Rage 3, Super Thunder Blade*,
Tecmo Super Bowl, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist*, Tommy Lasorda Baseball*, Truxton*, Vectorman, Vectorman 2, Virtua Fighter 2
*Represents a game that's already been covered on Perfect Playthrough.
**Columns can't be beaten; there isn't even a kill screen.
***Lemmings requires that you clear all 30 levels on every difficulty to truly beat it.
Off the top of my head, Dynamite Headdy is the only game from the above list that's an actual request. I also plan on covering Castlevania: Bloodlines, Cyberball, and Super Hang-On sometime in the near future. Outside of those, I'm kind of stuck. I need to play through 50 more games, and I haven't the foggiest ideas what to fill my list with.
Genre, difficulty, or even quality don't matter a lick as far as I'm concerned. Just throw out whatever recommendations that come to mind, and see what sticks.

submitted by /u/epicgordan
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