N3DS is the least stable Nintendo console I have ever owned

[Released: 2011] The 3DS is similar to the DS, but is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. A redesigned "XL" version of the console was also released.

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N3DS is the least stable Nintendo console I have ever owned

Post by /3ds »

I got an original 3DS on launch day, the screen broke many years later, and a few months ago I decided to get a SNES N3DS as a replacement to transfer all my data to.
Yes I have updated the firmware.
But this thing crashes software so often!
It always goes to the double black screen with the text about "Software Closed" and the details about sleep mode. It did it literally 5 times in an hour last night whilst I was trying to play Samus Returns (the robot boss)
Is there some kind of button combination that I'm pressing by accidident that can induce this screen?!
I have also gotten it a few times on the SNES Virtual Console version of Super Metroid.
Both games involve heavy usage of both shoulder buttons being pressed down...is that a coincidence?
I have also played through the entirety of Rhythm Heaven Megamix on it with zero problems, so what is going on? Has anyone else experienced this?

submitted by /u/Tricky_e
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