I think I know why SNK fighting games weren't popular and the company was sold in 2000

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I think I know why SNK fighting games weren't popular and the company was sold in 2000

Post by /neogeo »

Why would you pay money to play a game that will pretty much just cheat against you to win? It's like paying someone to kick you in the balls and be a complete asshole. In any SNK fighting game, no matter what you do, you attack the computer and he attacks you instead, as if instead of pressing the button on your controller, you pressed on HIS controller. It's always the same thing in every game, Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury, KOF 94.
No matter which button you press, or if you don't press anything, he attacks you the same way. No matter if you jump or not, no matter if you move or stay still, no matter if you block high or low, it's always the same thing. Regardless of whatever you do, the computer will attack you and you will lose. It will only let you attack it a little bit, so the cheating isn't so obvious, but it still is.
Who would spend coins on this.

submitted by /u/ManFederal
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