Adventure Time: Will She or Won't She Run MAME?

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Adventure Time: Will She or Won't She Run MAME?

Post by Arcade-Projects »

Aighty, swooped up a Dynamo HS9 just for the PCB that was in it.…9b68b72b898068c324451c755
That same day, enter this Sempron (silly name to pick there for processors, AMD Image ) that I found sitting outside the door of my local recycling center as I was recycline some donor CRT's.…9b68b72b898068c324451c755
It was destined for scrap and I am going to repurpose new life into her. She is going to spend the rest of her days powering a MAME cab (hopefully). She's got enough HDD space for the job (200 gigs), just barely. She only has 2 gigs of RAM in her, might get lucky and that will be enough. She's got USB ports to drive Zero Delay encoders. She's got what I hope is a PCI-E video card slot so that I can add in a Radeon HD5000+ video card so I can run CRT Emu. I would never think of MAME-jobbing a dedicated cab. But Dynamo's are generic and it is perfectly fine to give the MAME treatment to Dynamo's.

Soon as I find my keyboard, I'll start the MAME software installation, then the adventure begins!

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