NeoSD + Unibios Errors

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NeoSD + Unibios Errors

Post by /neogeo »

Hey all, hoping someone can help me with a strange issue I am having. I have an AES, NeoSD, and Unibios. A lot of the games throw errors with unibios. On the other hand, I have more luck with the stock bios, but some games wont play on that at all, such as Metal Slug X, which just makes the screen black and white and freezes the system. Samurai Shodown 5 doesn't work at all. On stock bios it shows a bank error, and on unibios it just throws an exception. Below is one of the more common errors I see on unibios. It also doesn't like to be in the unibios screen for long before it resets. Alternatively, I can sit on the NeoSd screen or Fatal Fury forever.

Address: 0001DF90
D0: 00000000
D1: 00006760
D2: 00000000
D3: 00000000
D4: 0000FFFF
D5: 0000FFFF
D6: 00000000
D7: FCF0001
SSP: 00000000
SP: 2704

Thanks for any assistance!

submitted by /u/PeacefulReasoning
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