What do I need to do to fix low audio on an MV1C board?

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What do I need to do to fix low audio on an MV1C board?

Post by /neogeo »

Hi all. I have a MV1C board and use the Shogun supergun from the Behar Bros. I use the 161-in-1 cartridges for games. However, the audio is really really low so I have to turn up the volume of my TV to maximum to get an acceptable volume level. Is this common? Is there a fix?
I thought it might be capacitor issue but I'm not sure. I have no replaced the capacitors because I already botched up another board trying to do that. The capacitors on these boards seem really difficult to remove. I believe I damaged my earlier board because of that.
I've heard of a stereo mod. Does this have anything to do with the volume level? Are there good instructions somewhere on how to do this mod, irrespective of whether it helps with the volume level?
Thanks for any input you all can give.

submitted by /u/Few_Increase9050
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