Black Swirl of Death problem...

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Black Swirl of Death problem...

Post by /dreamcast »

Been searching online, but there's some incomplete info out there it seems. I did the one wire method, loaded Dreamshell through GDEmu and went into the region changer, didn't touch anything other than check the box for blue swirl, the other settings were normal. (US, NTSC, English, as the system was originally)
I hit write, then hit reboot after a bit, and bam... black swirl of death, boots into the menu but refuses to load GDEmu, if I try load it through the menu it shows the black swirl animation again and puts me into the CD music player as if the GDEmu is a music CD. I've desoldered the wire, it never remained connected for more than a couple of minutes, I know it should not be left in.
Apparently a new BIOS doesn't fix the issue? Read that games that depend on time settings may not work anymore. Replacing it would be no problem though as I've done these kinds of installs before.
But some say you have to replace the flashrom, IC502. But I have no idea where to buy one.
If there are other tricks to fix this please let me know, ugh this sucks.

submitted by /u/r1ggles
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