Few general questions a dreamcast system.

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Few general questions a dreamcast system.

Post by /dreamcast »

So I'm asking because I recently purchased a "PAL" Dreamcast on ebay (which I have been wanting for a long time) and the problem is that the seller happened to have received it in a lot a while ago and doesn't know much about the system and there's some things that don't make sense to me with it. So I'm turning to the web for some guidance:
For reference, it does have a PAL PSU 220v and PAL shell. Here's where things get funny. The seller stated that it was tested and runs with games (which i verified running an NTSC verstion of MVC 2 cdi rip after swapping a 110v psu) so the system is a VA1. Yet, when I turned it on, the dreamcast swirl was red like Japanese or North America, not the Blue like a regular PAL bios; and the language when I first booted was Japanese I think. So I'm thinking this is a Frankenstein system. So here's my questions.

  1. How do you determine the bios of a system?
  2. Would the seller be able to plug a PAL system into a north american plug and the system work (I know an NTSC PSU would blow in PAL region due to the voltage difference)
  3. If this is a Japanese, is there a way to flash the bios?
4.I am running a VGA to scart cable, and then to an HDMI adapter (although I have an OSSC on order now) and will be installing a GDEMU when that arrives as well. so I don't need to worry about the 50hz to 60hz difference for picture Would this impact the boot process?
Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/cagerhager
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