Review of the Columbus Circle PCE LCD screen (Buyer beware)

The CD-ROM² is an add-on attachment for the PC Engine that was released in Japan in 1988 and allows the core versions of the console to play PC Engine games in CD-ROM format in addition to standard HuCards. This made the PC Engine the first video game console to use CD-ROMs as a storage media.

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Review of the Columbus Circle PCE LCD screen (Buyer beware)

Post by /turboG16 »

It's really damn sketchy. Like REALLY sketchy. As in after using it once and having mixed results, I don't trust it with my PC engine. I also didn't realize it powered the console off the USB device as well so I was stupid enough to plug it in as well. Thankfully no damage was done but let me just break it down.

  1. Build quality is crap, like REALLY crap. Substantially crap for something that costs $100.
  2. The picture is crap. It's obviously just poorly outputting the composite signal to the screen and does a bad job at doing it. Lots of interference and shimmer in the picture, almost looks as bad as RF.
  3. It's physically too hard to get onto the console, I felt like at numerous points I was going to break something on my console or just the screen itself with how cheap the plastic feels. If my console was pristine I'm sure this thing left some scratches so I'm glad mines a little beat up already in that regard
  4. With the power concerns I listed in the above text, the thing is just sketchy. Why allow someone to plug the power cable for the console in while also powering the console from the expansion bay, that's just asking for trouble for someone who doesn't know before hand NOT to plug the console in normally. I assumed the 5V USB was JUST for the LCD and I had to power the console normally but I was wrong.
Whether or not there IS any lasting damage to my PC engine from the little expierence today I've yet to find out, though it does seem to be playing normally so far.
This thing is just a real piece of junk and I fear that if people don't do their research before hand may damage their consoles with improper use. Let this be a buyer beware.
It's a cool idea but executed very poorly.

submitted by /u/KogeyFox
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