Turbo Duo and TG16 CD discs manufactured in the US

The CD-ROM² is an add-on attachment for the PC Engine that was released in Japan in 1988 and allows the core versions of the console to play PC Engine games in CD-ROM format in addition to standard HuCards. This made the PC Engine the first video game console to use CD-ROMs as a storage media.

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Turbo Duo and TG16 CD discs manufactured in the US

Post by /turboG16 »

Hi all,
So perusing ebay I've been trying to come up with a reasonable way to identify fakes. I've encountered some inconsistencies with the "made in..." on some discs. The first I've noticed is with Ys I&II, particularly the duo cd version. The PC Engine Bible US CD cover shows made in USA, but for instance this ebay listing for the same game and disc lists made in japan. There's nothing about the disc that would give it away as a fake, it even has the code around the inner ring.
Were these discs manufactured in Japan, USA, or both? Can anyone with known authentic discs verify, or does anyone know for certain? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Dharmajones93
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