Building a sleeper battle station inside an NES

[Released: 2016] Licensed miniature replica NES that includes a static library of 30 built-in games supporting save states.

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Building a sleeper battle station inside an NES

Post by /classicNES »

So I know it can be done, and I've watched a couple videos of other people doing it, but I wanted to get all the information I can before I go and spend money on parts I probably won't be able to use elsewhere
I'm not particularly new to the pc space, I've built myself my own computer, and one for my brother. So I know a little about pc building. However, I'm completely new to this kind of PC building. So thanks for any help ya'll can give.
My plan is to create a metal frame that will fit inside the NES case, and attach all the parts I'm using to the frame. This includes GPU, motherboard, Power supply (maybe), and maybe some hard drives if I have space (I have a 2.5 inch ssd) With this metal frame idea, the parts can be put in any way imaginable, and its possible for the ports to be accessible by opening the game cartridge slot. But this might be a little overboard.
Also, I saw in a video someone made where they added a .5 inch layer of clear plastic in between the two halves of the case, to give it some extra height. This is an option, but a last resort one.
The specs I'm wanting to put in this thing are:
Ryzen 5 3600(x maybe?) (plus a CPU fan under 50mm) GTX 1660 Super (or) 2060 Super (the small bois obviously) 16gb's of 3200 M.2 1 tb NVME SSD (I already have one)
Motherboard-wise, it seems the mini-itx boards are actually able to fit inside this thing, but I'm worried that there is something that I am not thinking about. So should it work?
Concerning the power supply, I've found a couple that are at least 500w, and they should all be able to fit, however, considering that the motherboard and GPU also need to fit in there, I don't know if that will be an option. Thusly, I might have to go with 1660 super, rather than the 2060. (seeing as how laptop chargers might be the most powerful thing available) Open to suggestions on that.
Now, I'm aware that this will get toasty. Like I've seen these things get to 80° celsius. But I do have a couple ideas to combat this. And seeing that this will be my weakest point in the build, I'm open to suggestions.
First idea: I can remove the cpu fan casing, and maybe I can 3d print the casing in the blower style, like in laptops, or just diy manufacture it. Casing can be cut in the back in order to create a vent for the blower
Second idea: Knowing where it will sit on my desk, the back and bottom of the NES case are totally free when it comes to making holes. It's possible that a vent on the bottom near the GPU could help with air flow, but It would need to be subtle, as to not ruin the look of the case.
I know it's a bit ambitious, but I think it will look really cool. And if it works out, I will be really happy. Pls DM me with any suggestions or comment if you want the community to see it.
Thanks guys for all your help!

submitted by /u/A_freakin_ninja
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