New to the turbo graphix 16 and looking to buy the mini console to get started. I have a few questions and hopefully the more

[Released: 2020] Dedicated home video game console by Konami modeled on NEC's TurboGrafx-16, which was designed by Hudson Soft and emulates the original console's 16-bit hardware. Half the size of the original, it can support two controllers out of box.

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New to the turbo graphix 16 and looking to buy the mini console to get started. I have a few questions and hopefully the more

Post by /turboG16 »

So firstly I’m looking to get the North American version (the turbo graphix 16 mini) but was confused on how half the games are in a language I don’t understand. How many of those games are simply unplayable? I’m into shooters so obviously I don’t think a Japanese shooter needs too much translation but I wanna know how many real games are on it as opposed to what the box says. Hopefully not too many text heavy Japanese ones. Also is this thing hard to find now? I was hoping it would end up on sale in target or something but I see scalpers selling them for 150 plus. Will there every be another change to buy at retail? From what I’ve seen I would dish out the money for retail price but I think 150 + is too much considering I can’t even understand some of the games, let alone that I’ve never touched a turbo graphix game and I’m completely new to almost all of these except for some of the ports. I’m a fan of OG hardware but financially I’ve been digging the mini consoles. My last question though would be is it worth it? If I can find one at retail I’ll probably buy it but is it really worth it for someone who’s completely new to turbo graphix and can’t even say if the lineup is good or bad because he’s that new to it? Someone anwser or give me your review of it and if I have to pay a scalper or if I can find a retail one on any website that would be appreciated - a broke retro gamer

submitted by /u/WHOKILLEDAMIR
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