Help finding/naming games from the past [based on memory].

A video game console is an interactive entertainment computer or customized computer system that produces a video display signal which can be used with a display device (a television, monitor, etc.) to display a video game.

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Help finding/naming games from the past [based on memory].

Post by /RetroGaming »

Hello (hope this post belong here). But I'm trying to figure out a game (two actually) that I have seen and the other I've played. That I can't remember the name of them. a pc game that I've played at my uncle's house I think somewhere after the turn of the century. It's a first person, puzzle-maze like game where you go to room to room and trying to find a way out while avoiding enemies (one I vaguely remember some of them being a bat). And solving puzzle of each room to unlock a door to progress. Any already unlock doors at the start Will just eventually loop you around.

  1. I can't remember if it's on the OG xbox or ps2 (this game I've watch my friends play and sadly he sold them a long time ago). It's a 3rd person semi-fixed camera (some area the camera just follow the player from one spot while the other where it follows from behind) shooter. And one of the levels have where the player have to run up towards a large red demon almost tornado like demon that hurls boulders from the left and right side from itself to stop the player in reaching its weak point. The path is a bit straight forward and the environment is a hellish apocalyptic.
This is all I can remember from my childhood. Sorry if i left any too vague or lack of details, but these is all I can remember from my childhood on games that I can't put my finger on to find out what they are.
Also thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/That-1-Guy-over-Ther
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