Petition to add a help thread like r/3dshacks and r/wiiuhacks does or a flair system like r/jailbreak to avoid excessive tech

[Released: 2011] The 3DS is similar to the DS, but is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. A redesigned "XL" version of the console was also released.

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Petition to add a help thread like r/3dshacks and r/wiiuhacks does or a flair system like r/jailbreak to avoid excessive tech

Post by /3ds »

As of recently, this sub has been cluttered with tech support requests. While helping users is an important function of this sub, the amount of tech support requests recently is overbearing and hinders discussion. I believe that adding a separate help thread reset every week/month pinned to the top of the sub along with a new moderation rule causing most basic support request posts to be deleted unless they are in the help thread or a flair system where sub users could choose to filter out help requests would significantly improve discussion within the sub and would also allow people who need help to get access to it better as generally more informed people answer questions on help threads than less informed people in my experience.
This has been my ted talk

submitted by /u/Shawnj2
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