I have a lot of boxed games but guy i boight them off wrote his bame and pistcode / phone number on a lot of them

[Released: 1985] One of the most unusual features of the Sega Master System is its dual media inputs: one cartridge slot and one card slot. The card slot accepted small cards about the size of a credit card.

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Bustin' Moves
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I have a lot of boxed games but guy i boight them off wrote his bame and pistcode / phone number on a lot of them

Post by /markiiisystem »

Are they worth a lot less? Roughly how mich would that affect the collectavlilty and price
I have some mega drive ganes off same guy too
About 50 cartrides in box with promo leaflet snd instructions
But margic marker (wont really come off) onto the cart the box and paper inlay that the box art is on
Its not all over it but its 2cm high and says something like "stolen from p james 634 4555 (or his postcode) l34 4hb"
Ive got a lot of boxes ganes i bought at car boot sales in job lots and out of say 80 90 carts 50 hav3 writing on
Some are duplicated
Would 5pounds be a fair price? Or sell a unboxed master system all leads and wires and tidy with 2 cobtrollers working 35?
The lot for £5x50 boxed carts and systen for 225 200 ?250
Whats fair?
I have 2 or 3 master systems and a few megadrives
Would i be better adding the master system(unboxed) and all the carts (with 75% having writing on) To a boxed mega drive (with master system adapter) and its 20 boxed games?
I dont really like ebay. I was thinkibg gumtree and some forums
Whats a fair price for a boxed Megadrive (no polystrine tho) Dreamcast
And unboxed but tidy master system 1 and 2 abd megadrive 1 and 2
I want to take my daughter on holiday
Im not trying to shill on here
Just whats fair prices(i couldnt just charge someone 200 for the megadrive like u see ppl on ebay) jus cos ppl ask stupid prices doesnt mean thats whats its worth
But ive got so many consoles of everytype inc 3 boxed amigas and a atari 2600 i dont know where to sell and what to charge...
Its really confusing me as i dont wanna rip anyone off (i prob paid 10er per console and 30 quid per box 20 games)
I jace asked dealers but im not sure theyre gonna give me a fair price... im so unsure
I have these 2 masters of the unicerse toys a heman sword and a skeletor skull staff kids suze bnib unopened too
Seen them in toy shops for 100£ plus was offered 60 to 80 for both in past
Ive got so many collectables but ive gotta sell em. Ive been keeping them in my house while ive been ill last 8 years... ive got ptsd/anxiety i was a a an e nurse for 10 years and had a breakdown
Its naking me really ill worryig about what to do with all my stuff
Ive been helpibg my dad fix his house and now ive got to empty my oldmhouse to fix it and sell it and i always wanted to sell these consoles and toys (like a starwars at st in box with sticjers unapplied)
Ive kept a used console and few fav games for me and my daughter to play but i want to sell the rest
Should i photo and list them by reddit group and ask ppl what they think they are worth?
But my main question is MASTER SYETM games but on cart abd box us old owners details how does it affect pricing/grading?
I worry a lot sorry if ive typed too much. I dont want to be taken advantage of but i dont wanna take the piss...
Anyone got a rough idea( i know some games are more or less rare etc) but how does it affect the price / grading and collectability if therea some felt tip writing on box and cart
Ill post a few examples

submitted by /u/Snoo_33952
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