DS Lite, Glossy Lid / Matte Base

[Released: 2004/8] The DS/i is a dual-screen handheld console and resembles that of the multi-screen games from the Game & Watch line. The lower display is overlaid with a touchscreen designed to accept input from a stylus.

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DS Lite, Glossy Lid / Matte Base

Post by /nDS »

Can anyone let me know which versions of the DS Lite have a matte base? I know that most DS Lites will have a glossy underside similar to the lid, but I've read that the some versions have matte undersides where the writing is located. So far some Cobalt/Black variants and Mettallic Silver editions are said to offer matte bases but I've yet to confirm. Can anyone confirm this or shed some light on the matter? Do they even exist? Thanks

submitted by /u/CloseWaters
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