Nds to 2dsxl and minecraft

[Released: 2004/8] The DS/i is a dual-screen handheld console and resembles that of the multi-screen games from the Game & Watch line. The lower display is overlaid with a touchscreen designed to accept input from a stylus.

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Nds to 2dsxl and minecraft

Post by /nDS »

My 10 year old has a 2ds that looks like this: https://www.amazon.com/Nintendo-2DS-Crimson-Red-Mario-Kart-2DS/dp/B01LXG2YYJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?keywords=nintendo+2ds+red&qid=1561809837&s=gateway&sr=8-2
I’m thinking about getting him something better- maybe the 2dsxl?
His bother, another kid and my son are all going on a trip in two weeks. One boy has a 3dsxl and another one has a 2dsxl.
Question 1- which one should I buy him?
Question2- all three boys love Minecraft. Can all three boys play together if they all have the actual game of Minecraft for the DS. I’m worried only two can play at a time.
Thanks for your input. :)

submitted by /u/5134912065
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