Input light games playable with a fragile wrist?

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Input light games playable with a fragile wrist?

Post by /turboG16 »

Hey guys, recently got an SSDS 3 and while I love it most games I’m getting into are very input heavy (shooters and super manic action games) and at present I have a pretty fragile wrist.
Besides the Bomberman games can anyone recommend anything that’s a little less crazy on the controller inputs? Very happy to do fan translated RPGs and such. For reference, even playing Crash Bandicoot on PS1 is doable in short bursts but the like of Soldier Blade just mutilates my wrist.
Was thinking about Emerald Dragon if a fan translation exists, or trying Popful Mail and just dealing with the Japanese, but the latter may be a bit too much.
Can anyone recommend any good games that don’t need me mashing buttons? Left hand is fine so a ton of D-pad movement with less manic right hand inputs (hence Bomberman working ok) is what I’m after.
As always appreciate the help, you guys have given me a ton of assistance in getting into what is now one of my favourite console libraries for pure simple fun.
Could be nice using this as an opportunity to get into some RPGs since it’s not a genre I’ve really touched at all on this console (still awaiting the English translation of Legend of Xanadu 2).
TLDR- Any recommendations for games requiring relatively gentle right hand inputs appreciated. Also shooters where I can just tape the fire button down or something could work.

submitted by /u/VietKongCountry
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