Use my ps3 again

[Released: 2006] The PS3 was the first console to use Blu-ray Disc as its primary storage medium. In September 2009 the updated PlayStation 3 Slim, was released. A further refined Super Slim design was also released.

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Use my ps3 again

Post by /p3 »

Looking for a pretty long ps3 game(s) for around $25 US. I have played the Mass effect trilogy, fallout 3 and NV, Skyrim, and red dead redemption. I would like something open world if it's a game that I could sink a lot of time into. This isn't a deal breaker but turn based games aren't really my thing, but feel free to make an argument for one. Also I really like sci-fi and high fantasy settings. Lastly not something known to be difficult or too challenging, I'm basically just looking for something to waste time and get lost in.
Edit: Destiny was also played

submitted by /u/tyshido
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