Sega Outrun - Convert jedec dump of 315-5227A as PLS153 to work with GAL16V8

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Sega Outrun - Convert jedec dump of 315-5227A as PLS153 to work with GAL16V8

Post by Arcade-Projects »

Hi Guys.

I'm repairing a Sega Outrun PCB and I have determined that the PLA chip 315-5227A on the video board is faulty by swapping it from a working board set.

I came across this page on Jamma Arcade's wiki which has the jedec file for the 315-5227A dumped as a PLS153. I don't have a programmer capable of programming PLS153's but the wiki page does mention that it would need some work to be usable with a GAL16V8, which my programmer does support.

Is anyone able to explain what is required to convert the PLS153 format to work with a GAL16V8, please? I've played around with the MAME tool "jedutil.exe" and can see the inputs, outputs and equations from the dumped jedec file, but I'm lost on what to do next to convert it and can't find any helpful resources to work out what to do next. Image

Would greatly appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction!

Thanks in advance!

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