RemoteJoyLite "Waiting"

[Released: 2004] The PSP is the only handheld console to use an optical disc format as its primary storage medium. Other distinguishing features of the console include its large viewing screen and robust multi-media capabilities.

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RemoteJoyLite "Waiting"

Post by /psp »

Sorry for bothering you guys again, but this time I'm trying to configure RemoteJoyPlugin. I did all exactly like in this tutorial. Only thing I did a bit different is that I put a command enabling plugin only in the GAME text file. After some complications, I installed USB driver too. Now, when I start a game, that windows connection sound is played, but when I open the RJL pc app, there's only small "WAITING" caption in a corner. I tried to turn on Vblank Forced Transfer and using other transfer types. And now, I can't even go back to my PSP files, although I've turned the plugin off firstly. Is this some technical problem with my 6.61 CFW and Windows 10 or I just can't configure it properly?

submitted by /u/Chris11PL
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