New demos running on the 3DO M2 - updated weekly :)

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New demos running on the 3DO M2 - updated weekly :)

Post by Arcade-Projects »

This is week two, a weird skater demo I got running (with help) on real M2 hardware.

My ultimate goal is to get the arcade M2 games booting on "home" hardware, but that's a bit of a ways off. Getting these demos running is really half me showing and preserving, and half learning the SDK more in depth

That was the first video

In a few weeks I have a shmup demo coming clue who was making it...all I know is that "it was from a japanese dev working on a shmup for the system" I may need help with that one!

Hope there are some M2 fans here (or OG 3DO fans) that will enjoy these!

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