8bitdo controller (SN30 pro)

[Released: 2016] Licensed miniature replica NES that includes a static library of 30 built-in games supporting save states.

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Bustin' Moves
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8bitdo controller (SN30 pro)

Post by /classicNES »

I currently have the NESC modded and would like to add additional systems to the mix, specifically SNES. I currently have the 8bitdo N30 controller which works perfect, but I was interested in the SN30 Pro to have an all in one type of set up for my PC and what not. It doesn't state that's its compatible, but is there a way to make it work with the NESC somehow? Either way, I'm going to need a new set of controllers for SNES games and would hate to have a bunch of different types of controllers laying around for different uses.

submitted by /u/Wonkas-Willy
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