Lei Shen Zhuan / Battle Garegga hack - Help / Advice needed

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Lei Shen Zhuan / Battle Garegga hack - Help / Advice needed

Post by Arcade-Projects »

I picked up a "Lei Shen Zhuan Thunder Deity Biography" PCB a few months back, this exact PCB I believe.

Looking through MAME shows that the game uses the same asset files as Garegga but has modified program file and these additional files.

text.bin is a modified text.81 file containing the Chinese logo and some other shite.
base.bin. Not present in the Garegga set. No idea what this does, the game still works with it missing. Image

The main program code is in 27c8100.mon-sys. This looks like the two Garegga program files prg0.bin & prg1.bin have been interleaved and byte flipped. Writing these combined files to a 27C8100 was successful and the game booted but with a slight issue.

Left original Garegga ROM. Right, LSZ ROM using Garegga program file.


The entire top layer of graphics are shifted 1/4 way up the screen. This is what it looks like during play, the score and player stock are missing and the bomb stock is way to high. Image


Other than the entire layer being shifted up it looks, sounds and plays fine in both MAME and the PCB.

I couldn't find any info in the MAME driver with regards to differences between the two ROMS.

Any suggestions on how to move the top layer of graphics back to their correct position?


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