Best source for GDI roms?

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Best source for GDI roms?

Post by /dreamcast »

I just got a GDEMU for my VA1 Dreamcast NTSC, I've been learning about how to use it and what type of ROMs to load for a better gaming experience, I consistently see in many videos everyone saying to use GDI roms instead of CDI roms due to compressed audio, video and graphics in certain games if not all of them.

But what is a good source other than the Internet Archive?

and now that you are here, if someone could also please explain how to manage multiple GDI roms on the SD card that goes into the GDEMU, I also heard in one recent video, that sometimes GDI roms are mostly bloated with data, that you can trim down a GDI rom so that it doesn't use that much space on your SD card and have many more games that way...

anyway, thank you for your help, got a lot of stuff to learn to use my newly acquired GDEMU!
submitted by /u/EngineerMusician
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