New to dreamcast and unfamiliar with a lot of titles. What are the best games and why?

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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New to dreamcast and unfamiliar with a lot of titles. What are the best games and why?

Post by /dreamcast »

I was raised on Nintendo consoles from nes up. But I sold my old stuff to get my new stuff so I never really had more than 2 consoles at a time… about 2 years ago I started collecting and playing old stuff cause I got bored of my ps5 and switch.

Recently I’ve gotten into sega stuff, I now do have the tower of power, the Saturn and the Dreamcast! Yay!

I got virtua tennis and crazy taxi with my Dreamcast and virtua tennis is definitely my favorite tennis game to date, crazy taxi is a lot of fun too!

But I don’t know a lot of other titles so I don’t know where to go.

I do have a fairly large GameCube collection, so any game that’s on Dreamcast and GameCube, I very well may already have for the GameCube, (sonic, skies of Acadia, soul caliber)

What are the games I should be hunting for for Dreamcast? And why do they stand out?

(If you want to chime in about Saturn or tower of power games, that is acceptable)
submitted by /u/joejoewoooooo
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Source: ... _a_lot_of/
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