The Dreamcast releases that could (should) have been.

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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The Dreamcast releases that could (should) have been.

Post by /dreamcast »

Given the Dreamcast's short lifespan, what ports do you think could have existed today on the system had it managed to have a better run and hang in there for an extra few more years? We all know about Half Life and Propeller Arena, but what else do you think we would have seen if things had carried on? Here are my top three:

Jurassic Park The Lost World:

The DC's limited light gun library was decent. The House of the Dead 2, Confidential Mission, and Virtua Cop 2 are all solid rail shooters. However, a port of The Lost World would've taken it to the next level. It was a fantastic experience in the arcade. Discovering that a port WAS infact planned for Dreamcast with extras such as extended levels actually gave me emotional damage to learn.. it was so close to actually happening.


The Cave developed, Capcom published bullet hell shmup that didn't see a home release until recently through Capcom's Arcade Stadium on modern consoles, which is arguably little more than a poor emulation attempt. I feel as though this could've been close to happening. We know that Capcom was in full support of the Dreamcast, and we had already seen a few CPSII shooters ported over, including Gigawing and Mars Matrix. I recently saw a mockup of DC box art for this game online and it really did make me wish that it was an actual thing..


3D Brawler by Sega, similar to Dynamte Cop. Chunky arcade polys that scream prime Sega arcade gaming. Multiple branching level design and supporting up to 4 players. It's actually very surprising to think that this never came to be.

I love the Dreamcast. I still play mine to this very day. The limited library of games is still a solid lineup.. but sometimes I just can't help but think about these "what-ifs."

submitted by /u/Nyamo84
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Source: ... have_been/
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