I have my first 4 games!

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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I have my first 4 games!

Post by /genesis »


I got my first Sega console last week and both Shadowrun and Shining in the Darkness arrived from ebay this week. I picked up Phantasy Star IV and 6 Pak from my local game store.

I gotta say, I'm REALLY enjoying Phantasy Star IV. It's a blast so far. I'm super pumped to get to my other games. I ordered an Everdrive so I can enjoy the whole library, along with Master System, 32X, and Sega CD. Since I picked a bad time to start collecting for another console I have no history with, lol, I'm going to buy games that become my favorites from playing on the Everdrive. That's my plan anyway, I'm not made of money so we'll see 6 months or more down the road lol.

I'm really glad to be here and experience the other side of the 90's console wars. It's been really cool to see everybody's wall of Sega games from different posts. I'd love to get there someday, but collecting for more than one or two systems is probably a bit crazy the way things are right now.

I'm sure it's obvious from my currently smooshed together shelf, that has to fit in my closet because I have a small house, I grew up with the SNES. I remember going to a friend's house and he had a Genesis and all I remember was thinking, is this some knock off Nintendo?

What is your guy's absolute favorite Genesis game?
submitted by /u/Revanmann
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/SEGAGENESIS/co ... t_4_games/
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