Need help identifying a NES game my cousin had when we were kids

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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Need help identifying a NES game my cousin had when we were kids

Post by /nes »

Pretty much exactly what the title says. I need some help identifying a NES game my cousin used to have when we were kids, but I can't remember the name of it to save my life.

So the game was essentially a platformer where you primarily worked from the left side of the level to the right side. Along the way you would encounter enemies that you could kill. And some (maybe all?) of the enemies would like drop a skin that your character could put on and power up. If I remember correctly there was a mouse and maybe a gorilla one? But there were several others as well and getting powers from enemies was the primary way you made your character stronger.

I can't remember too much more from the game besides the fact that it wasn't super long. Maybe 10 levels or so? And it all very well might have been happening in a dream. Not that I dreamt playing it lol I just mean that the game itself was set in a dream I believe.

I know that's not a ton of detail, but if anybody knows what that game was I would definitely appreciate you letting me know in the comments! Thanks to everybody in advance ✌️
submitted by /u/Original-College9710
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