Can GDROMs still go bad even if the laser is clearly still working?

[Released: 1998] Born out of Sega's darkest hour to decide whether the company stays in the hardware business. Even though it didn't officially last long in the US, it was continued selling in Japan and spawned some great 2D Japanese shooters.

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Can GDROMs still go bad even if the laser is clearly still working?

Post by /dreamcast »

I know the popular consensus is to replace the GD-ROM when discs aren't reading, but I'm not confident that's the issue.

Basically I turn the DC on, it goes through multiple disc speed ups and laser noises that lasts maybe 30 seconds, then it gives up. I've used one game and several music CDs all with the same result of not reading anything. The laser light is definitely turning on upon boot up. When I messed with the resistence all that happened is the disc slowed way down when I set the resistence low. I've cleaned all the connectors with isopropyl alcohol and none of the ribbons seems damaged.

I appreciate any insight any of you can offer. Gracias, amigos/amigas!
submitted by /u/Videokyd
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Source: ... _laser_is/
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