Running VMware on Raspberry Pi 400 Question

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Running VMware on Raspberry Pi 400 Question

Post by /RaspberryPi »

So, I am have been trying to install VMware on my Raspberry Pi 400, following Network Chucks guide. So far I have been able to update the firwmare, erase the SD card and put the files (minus kernals), and flashed the VMware ARM installer onto another flash drive. However, I cant get it to load into the boot loader to check the RAM settings, or to load from the flash drive with the VMware installer. I hit escape as it boots, but I get a blank screen with a single green dot on my monitor. I have tried googling and searching forums for installing on a 400 model rather than a 4, but the few posts I have found dont mention anything different with the 400 model. I used the pi imager to load the software to have my RP load from flash drive but it doesnt load from the VM installer at all, it just loops looking for an OS and I cant access any kind of boot loader unless its another key than escape? from what ive read from VMware 400 is compatible as long as I have the firmware updates and latest ESXi version, has anyone run into this type of issue or know a work around? Would love to start my first homelab and not sure what im doing wrong here, any help is appreciated
submitted by /u/DimitrInvincible
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