Eve Online Uprising expansion starts transforming the galaxy now

PC, Mac and Linux games, also known as computer games, are video games played on a personal computer. From the mid-90s onward they lost mass-market traction to console games before a resurgence in the mid-2000s through digital distribution.

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Eve Online Uprising expansion starts transforming the galaxy now

Post by PCGamesN »

Image There have been lots of creative attempts at boosting excitement for upcoming game expansions. Fortnite chucked its entire original map into a black hole to set things up for the launch of Chapter 2 back in 2019, for example. For the Eve Online Uprising expansion, CCP Games went and blew up a star. The Turner I Event, as it's now known in the long-running sci-fi MMORPG, is going to be the inciting incident for a whole new era in New Eden, marking the advent of some game-changing new systems CCP Games has been talking about adding to the free-to-play game for the past year.
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RELATED LINKS: Eve Online system requirements, Eve Online Beginners guide, Space games

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