Original Xbox Won’t Turn on after replacing caps.

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Original Xbox Won’t Turn on after replacing caps.

Post by /xbox »

My original Xbox had been acting faulty where sometimes it won’t turn on at all or it would turn on but only stay on for 30mins. The power button wasn’t working either and it would turn on by just plugging it in. I decided after some research to replace the clock capacitor and another capacitor that was leaking. There was some obvious corrosion under the clock capacitor which I cleaned up. I replaced the clock capacitor and the faulty cap from a cap kit I got from Console5.
I put everything back together and now it doesn’t turn on at all. This was my first time doing any sort of electrical repairs so that’s probably the major issue, but I felt like for a first attempt the soldering wasn’t bad and everything looked good. Could I have not removed enough solder before putting in the capacitors, not even sure if that would be an issue? No damaged leads from what I can tell. I appreciate any insight or thoughts of what could cause it to not turn on at all now. I’m ordering a new internal power supply and a new cord just in case.

submitted by /u/BrBnandNash
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