Metroid Prime GC VS. Wii

[Released: 2001] The GameCube, with the Game Boy Player attachment, it is able to play Game Boy/Color, and Game Boy Advance titles. It's successor, the Wii, supports backward compatibility. Panasonic released a DVD player hybrid Gamecube.

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Metroid Prime GC VS. Wii

Post by /gamecube »

I was looking at getting into the metroid prime series as I really like the 2D metroid games. Is it better for me to slowly buy each individual version of the prime games in their original format (1 and 2 on gc and 3 on wii) or go ahead and fork out the $100+ for the full wii trilogy? I've heard the wii controls work so much better but would the extra cost really be worth it in the long run?

submitted by /u/Bunker-Nuts
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