biggest disappointments?

[Released: 1990] The SNES was the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced. The console was able to run some of the first three-dimensional video games on consoles, beginning with Star Fox.

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biggest disappointments?

Post by /snes »

I think pretty much everyone here knows that Bebe's Kids sucks. But we didn't really expect it to be good. Licensed games are notoriously bad. Maybe it's worse than that usually are, but our expectations weren't high. It wasn't much of a disappointment.
So what are the games you expected to be totally awesome, and then just weren't?
For me personally, Paladin's Quest, and Dark Law: The Meaning of Death.
On Dark Law, the game is absolutely awesome up until the moment you start playing. The title is awesome, descriptions of the game make it sound awesome, the intro sequence is awesome, the music is awesome, then you're dropped on an awesome title screen, and then you get to create your characters ... and then the game just peters out. It feels like someone wrote down everything that could possibly make a game awesome, and then utterly failed you make it into something actually fun to play.
Paladin's Quest is so cool for the first five minutes or so. It's a fantasy RPG, but without the elves and dwarves, and with completely new and unique races. The magic system is unique, and there's a neat little potion system, and you're just thinking this is a breath of fresh air ... and then the entire game is just fetch quests, and the mercenaries end up being cooler than the main characters.

submitted by /u/estebandesoto
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