How come there's no way to create game copies runnable on unmodded PS1?

[Released: 1994] Sony entered into an agreement with Nintendo to develop a CD-ROM attachment, for the Super Nintendo. Due to contractual problems it was never released, and instead, a modified version was introduced by Sony called the PlayStation.

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How come there's no way to create game copies runnable on unmodded PS1?

Post by /playstation »

There are a lot of games that I'd love to play which are not really available, for example translations of Japanese exclusive games (e.g. Mizzurna Falls, Clock Tower: The First Fear, Racing Lagoon, Policenauts), and I prefer playing games on my original unmodded original PS1 for maximal immersion. I also love collecting physical games with cases and preferably even manuals.
My goal would be to be able to create or buy these "reproduction" games which would have the same feel as the genuine original ones. I understand that it's impossible to just burn PS1 games on the CD and expect the PS1 to run it, since the genuine PS1 CDs have the specific curvature with their region encoded in them.
But I don't understand how come there's no special market that manufactures the CDs with translated, homebrew, or extremely rare PS1 games with that specific curvature. Is it impossible? Couldn't the CD's shape be created with the same technique as the original ones back in the day?
I know there are modchips. I know there's a swap disc trick. I know I'm asking for a solution for my own problem. It may look kind of stupid to you, but it's just my autistic obsession with vanilla unmodded experience sprinkled with collecting physical media.

submitted by /u/ryuStack
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